Independence Weekend Social Cornhole Tournament

July 7th | 4:00pm

July 7th at 4pm

Join our FREE Independence Weekend Cornhole Social Tournament!

It’s gonna be a blast – fun for all skill levels.

Here’s the rundown:
– Teams will compete in 3 pool play games.
– Based on your performance, you’ll be placed in a higher or lower single-elimination bracket.
– Prizes will be awarded to the top teams in BOTH brackets, so everyone has a shot at winning!

Ready to show off your cornhole skills? Sign up now!

Sign up NOW

  1. Download the Scoreholio app: Get the app on your phone. Our tournament will be managed using this platform. You will be able to see the matchups, results and keep scores from the app.
  2. Find the league: From the app home screen, use the Find Tournament button and search for Independence Weekend Social Cornhole Tournament.
  3. Register: Click the Register button, fill out your team name and add your teammates email.
  4. Questions: If there are any questions or issues, please reach out to and we will help you get registered.